Monday, June 15, 2009

Freaked (1993)

Freaked was generally ignored by the mass population when it was released in 1993. I think it played for about a week in theaters and then was damned to a life playing on HBO at 3 AM every couple of months.

I personally love this movie. It's humor is very over the top and slapstick much like The Naked Gun films. However, two things set this movie apart from the other god-awful goofball comedies out there: One, It's style. The movie has very cool style to it. The landscapes and set designs, as well the costumes and make-up effects are all very cool, colorful and cartoony. The movie is almost like a living Basil Wolverton or Ed Roth painting. The make-up effects are amazing, bring the outragous freaky characters to life in unique and humorous ways.

The second thing the film has going for it is its actors. Randy Quaid is absolutly perfect as the mad scientist/carnie villain. Alex Winter (of Bill & Ted fame) is great as the pampered Hollywood a-hole turned mutant. Megan Ward and William Sadler are good for some yucks as well. But the real gems are the cameos and bit parts. Brooke Shields is funny as a vacant talk show host, Keanu Reeves makes a great dogboy and Mr. T as the bearded lady has to be some of the best casting of the 20th century!

The film also features great music by The Butthole Surfers, George Clinton and many other wacky bands. It's no surprise to me that the film gained a fairly significant cult following after its initial release, from fans who discovered the flick on TV or on video. If you're looking for a great weirdo film to make you laugh like a schoolgirl, get Freaked tonight.

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