Saturday, February 6, 2010

Comic Book Confidential (1988)

Comic Book Confidential is documentary by Ron Mann that examines the phenomenon of comic books in the United States since their inception in the 1930's up to the present (which at the time was the late 1980's).

The film does a nice job of explaining the history of the medium through an array of quality interviews with comic pioneers like William M. Gaines (founder of EC Comics and MAD Magazine), Jack Kirby (creator of Captain America) and Will Eisner (creator of The Spirit). The documentary also examines much of the controversy that surrounded comic books in their early days when many, including the US government, were of a mind that comic books could be the downfall of the nation's youth.

The film touches on the super hero genre (with interviews with Marvel's Stan Lee) but mainly focuses on the outsiders and underground comic evolution. There are many great interviews with R. Crumb (Zap!, Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat), Art Spiegelman (RAW, Maus), Gilbert Shelton (The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers) and Harvey Pekar (American Splendor). There is also an examination of the role of women in comic books with the likes of Lynda Barry (Ernie Pook's Comeek) and Shary Flenniken (Trots and Bonnie). The film also visits with some then relatively new faces to the art form like Jaime Hernandez (Love and Rockets), Frank Miller (The Watchmen) and Sue Coe (How to Commit Suicide in South Africa).

The interviews are fantastic and are juxtaposed together nicely with examples of the artist's work, often narrated by the artist themselves. Fans of comic books will definitely enjoy this trip through the diverse and wonderful world of comics.

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